1984 << >> 1986Operating Systems:
Windows 1.0
In 1985 I bought a Commodore 64 and began to learn to programm in machine code (really) followed by the much more comfortable assembler and did some experimental codings - nothing usefull.
Soon I began making music with my synthesizers which where MIDI-connected to the "64" and controlled by software from C-Lab and Steinberg. After my third Commodore 64 was broken I prefered to buy a (very expensive) Commodore Amiga 1000.
I'm listening to Celtic Frost (To Mega Therion), The Hafler Trio (Seven Hours Sleep), Einstürzende Neubauten (Halber Mensch), Iron Maiden (Live After Death), the first Laibach LP...

Europe Media Art Network: Initiiert von Frigo, 9 unabhängige Strukturen, Softvideo - Rom, Bela Balasz Studio - Budapest, Montevideo - Amsterdarm, Beurscherverbourg - Bruxelles, London Video Artists, Infermental - Germany, Videografia- Barcelona, 235 Media- Germany und Frigo - Lyon, entwickeln europäischer Programrne, Simultanscreenings und Vertrieb in ganz Europa. Konzeption eines Computernetworks zur Vertriebskoordination.
Richard Stallman (32) writes "The GNU manifesto".
The Network News Transfer Protocol, or NNTP, is introduced to distribute Usenet articles over TCP/IP as a more flexible alternative to informal Internet transfers of UUCP traffic.
1985: The 3-people company Macromind publishes the software “VideoWorks”, which will develop into Macromedia Director.
1985: Stewart Brand (47) and Larry Brilliant (41) start The WELL as a dial-up BBS.
1985: In Bielefeld, the galery "Art d’Ameublement" exhibits the Chaos Computer Club.
Fondation du Media Lab au Massachussets Institute of Technology.
1984 << >> 1986
Contributors to this page: 1.0
Page last modified on Tuesday 02 of October, 2007 22:42:11 CEST by 1.0.
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