1993 1994 1995 << >> 1997 1998 1999Operating Systems: Macintosh System 7.5.3 - 7.5.5
NeXTstep 4.0 (beta)
Debian Linux 1.1
Windows 95
Browsers: Netscape 2.0 (features Frames, Built-in JavaScript...)
Computers: PowerBook 1400
January: Foundation of V2_East/Syndicate during the second Next 5 Minutes Conference at V2 in Rotterdam. At that occasion, nettime xerox zine/reader ZKP-1 is published.
February 8: 24 Hours in Cyberspace, billed as the "largest collaborative Internet event ever", involves thousands of photographers from all over the world, including 150 photojournalists (headed by photographer Rick Smolan), as well as editors, programmers, and interactive designers to create "a digital time capsule of online life."
February 27: 24-hour internet project by John Hopkins.
April 22: first KLA activity in Kosovo: "four attacks on Serbian civilians and security personnel were carried out virtually simultaneously in several parts of Kosovo. A hitherto unknown organization calling itself the "Kosovo Liberation Army" (KLA) subsequently claimed responsibility."
August: Netscape Navigator 3 is released.
Une étudiante américaine lance le site Web JenniCAM où, jusqu'en 2003, les internautes peuvent suivre toutes ses activités quotidiennes, filmées 24 heures sur 24 en vidéo à temps réel.
End of 96 I moved to Paris, sharing a very special house with Sex Toy, Rachid Taha, and owners of the now famous gay club Le Pulp.
September 18-20: second meeting of the V2_East group during DEAF96, Rotterdam.
Taciturne: 6 Fragmente in der Chronologie des Wahnsinns
Aphex Twin: The Richard D. James album.
November: rumours appear that Apple plans to buy the BeOS operating system.
An alpha release of the video control software Image/ine is in use at STEIM.
December 7th: etoy intervention on Swiss television.
1993 1994 1995 << >> 1997 1998 1999
Contributors to this page: 1.0
Page last modified on Monday 23 of November, 2009 00:57:33 CET by 1.0.
wiki page:
- Büro 1
- Battle of Vukovar
- Ocean Earth Development Corporation
- Peter Fend
- 1989
- 1993
- Airwaves
- Audio Scene 79
- Wiencouver
- 1971
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- Aloha From Hawaii via satellite
- 1974
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- timeline
- 1984
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- 1976
- Communication Art
- Ménage à Trois
- 1972
- 1992
- La Plissure du Texte
- 1970
- 1967
- 1963
- V2_East/Syndicate
- 1997
- 1996
- 1983
- 1985
- 1986
- 1994
- 1995
- International Radio Syndicate
- 1991
- ZaMir
- S900
- 1987