1970 1971 1972 << >> 1974 1975 1976January 14: Elvis Presley (38 yrs): Aloha From Hawaii via satellite - First music concert broadcast live via satellite around the world.
Bill Furlong establishes the Audio Arts Tape Magazine.
Jean-Luc Godard (43 ans) s'installe à Grenoble, où il monte sa première chaîne de production vidéo, l'atelier Sonimage.
Flor Bex ouvre un département vidéo au Centre Culturel International d'Anvers, qui deviendra la plus importante institution européenne de production et de distribution d'œuvres vidéo.
Steina and Woody Vasulka move to Buffalo.
1970 1971 1972 << >> 1974 1975 1976
Contributors to this page: 1.0
Page last modified on Sunday 13 of January, 2008 19:43:13 CET by 1.0.
wiki page:
- Büro 1
- Battle of Vukovar
- Ocean Earth Development Corporation
- Peter Fend
- 1989
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- Airwaves
- Audio Scene 79
- Wiencouver
- 1971
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- 1973
- Aloha From Hawaii via satellite
- 1974
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- timeline
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- 1969
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- 1976
- Communication Art
- Ménage à Trois
- 1972
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- La Plissure du Texte
- 1970
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- V2_East/Syndicate
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- International Radio Syndicate
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- ZaMir
- S900
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