2001 2002 << >> 2004 2005Operating Systems:
Mac OSX 10.2.4 (Jaguar) - 10.3.2 (Panther)
Debian x
Browsers: IE 6, Safari 1.0, Mozilla Firebird 0.6-0.7
Computers: ...
February: Bukolik Werld pages
February 2003: ms: buys a surveillance CCTV set.
22 February = T4TY/ROBOL NPROZESS (live video) | rendered 05-05-2003
March 1st: Interfacing Realities, Rotterdam-New York tele-performance, at the Dutch Electronic Arts Festival DEAF03.
March: ms: works with Rudy on installation for Archipel
18 March = STR4NGE FL4T SESSION (live video) | rendered 19-03-2003 20:08-01:17
23 March - 5 April: World-Information.Org, Novi Sad/Belgrade.
Escobar: ms: video performance as N3krozoft Mord (date?)
April: N3KROZOFT performance in Beograd (with Sony beamer from ESBA). Buying pirate Turbofolk records.
April-July: placard #6: 95-day headphone festival.
Mai?: n3krozoft performance at galerie A0 (w/ Makabr and Goulart)
May 15-18: Media Architecture (art+communication #6), Riga.
n3krozoft performance at Usine
Preparations for Metaworx/Onyx
June: first presentation of ONYX (ESBA)
August: First public beta version of Skype is released.
september: ONYX installation ESBA
november: ONYX basel
december: ONYX Centre d'Art Contemporain, GVA
2001 2002 << >> 2004 2005
Contributors to this page: 1.0
Page last modified on Sunday 17 of January, 2010 13:36:11 CET by 1.0.