<< 1866

Manet served as an officer in the French army from 1870 to 1871, during the Franco-Prussian War.

Le 29 Août 1870, en pleine guerre entre la France et la Prusse, Rimbaud (16 ans) fait sa première fugue. Il est arrêté à Paris le 31 août, conduit au dépôt, puis à la prison de Mazas. Il est enfin libéré le 4 septembre.


In 1870, to escape the Franco-Prussian war, Monet went to London and was joined there by Lucien Pissarro. Together the two went to the National Gallery and studied the works of Turner and Constable. Monet returned to Paris via Holland, and in 1872 he went back to LeHavre where he painted "An Impression, Sunrise". It was this painting which gave the Impressionists their name. It was first displayed at the First Impressionist Exhibition in 1874, and during this time and for many years thereafter, Monet struggled with hostility from critics and often poverty seemed overwhelming for him. Fortunately his fellow artists often helped soften these difficult times by helping one another make ends meet and lending emotional support.

1871: janvier - l'armistice met fin à un siège éprouvant.
1871: 10 mai - signature d'un traité de paix avec l'Allemagne.
1871: 21 mai - Les troupes françaises (130.000 hommes) lancent l'assaut contre Paris, aux mains d'une dizaine de milliers de fédérés («la Commune»). Le bilan total de la Semaine sanglante est d'environ 20.000 victimes, sans compter 38.000 arrestations.

>> 1873
>> 1874

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